vitajte na strankach o architekture
welcome on pages about architecture

najdete tu prehlad mojej tvorby, ktora suvisi s oblastou architektury

cela stranka je prehladne rozdelena do piatich zakladnych oblasti

v casti o mne sa dozviete strucne ako som sa k architekture dostal, nieco o mojom studiu i praxi, a hlavne co si myslim o architekture, co sa mi paci a co nie

ostatne styri casti su ukazkami z roznych oblasti tvorby, ci uz su to studentstke prace, nieco z praxe, veci tykajuce sa grafickeho spracovania architektury, ktoru navrhol niekto iny a tvorba v oblasti interieroveho dizajnu

tento prehlad sluzi ako moja prezentacia, zobrazene informacie nemusia byt kompletne a nemozu sa dalej spracovavat bez suhlasu autora

you can find here the overview of my work, which is connected to architecture

whole page is logically divided into five basic

in section 'about me', you'll find brief information how did I get to architecture, something about my studie and work experience, either what I like about architecture and I don't

other four sections consist of examples from various parts of my creation, including students works, some project from practise, graphic expressions of architecture from other authors and finally my projects from interior design

this overview is meant to be my presentation, displayed information may not be complete and must not be used without author agreement