vitajte na strankach dizajn
welcome on pages design

tu sa chcem prezentovat tvorbou v oblasti dizajnu nabytku a uzitkovych predmetov, ale taktiez grafickym dizajnom a pocitacovou grafickou prezentaciou

do tejto casti parti aj osobitna kapitola 'corporate id', co sa da inym slovami nazvat aj imidz firmy, od jej nazvu, cez logo, firemne farby az po reklamnu kampan

v poslednej casti su ukazky mojej tvorby vo volnom case respektive pocas vytvarnych predmetov v skole

tento prehlad sluzi ako moja prezentacia, zobrazene informacie nemusia byt kompletne a nemozu sa dalej spracovavat bez suhlasu autora

this is a presentation of my works in field of design, wich include furniture and things of every day use, and even graphic design and computer visual presentation

there is also a part called 'corporate id', which is about company image, beginning with name, through logo, up to advertising campaign

last part is aimed to show some drawings which arose during my free time or school activities

this overview is meant to be my presentation, displayed information may not be complete and must not be used without author agreement