cestovanie je mojim velkym konickom. aj ked som sa v poslednej dobe nikam daleko nedostal, stale si robim nejake plany, snivam o dalekych krajinach, citam rozne cestopisy
ani sam neviem, preco ma to tak bavi, je to mix zvedavosti a dobrodruzstva. niekedy sa cudujem ked stretnem ludi, ktory nie su cestovatelia. aj pre nich je tato stranka, dufam ze ich nieco zaujme a vydaju sa na vylet
dalej asi netreba nic viac dodavat... |
travelling is my big hobby. it has been quite long time, i have been somewhere out, but i am still making plan and dreaming about farther countries, i read guidebooks
i don't know, what is so fascinating about it, maybe a mix of curiosity and adventure. i wonder when i meet people, who don't like to travel. even for them is this site, i hope to inspire them to make a trip
no more words are needed... |